Our Clinic
Distance healing is just as effective as in-person healing. The reputation of our Chi healing has spread as far as China and crossed all borders. However, we still maintain local clinics with our local healers for patients who prefer to be seen in person.
Our healing method originated in Germany with our first clinic in the heart of Bochum, complete with a massage bench, sauna, spa bath and a fitness room. Since then, the demand for distance healing and silent healing has outpaced the demand for in-person healing,
most likely attributable to the growing interest in the healing effects of our work around the globe. Adding to the fact that prior to distance healing, our patients would often fly from America, Spain and China just to be treated by us, we’re all winners in this regard. The environment too.
We welcome you to book an appointment for your distance healing session, regardless of your location on this beautiful planet of ours.